Roger C. Wood, Ph.D.
(Harvard University, 1971)

Program Director, Coastal Conservation Research Program
Research Scientist, Coastal Conservation Research Program
Professor of Zoology, Richard Stockton College
Director of Research, Wetlands Institute

Phone: 609-652-4252; Fax: 609-748-5515

Selected Presentations and Publications

Herlands, R, R. Wood and T. Mohrman. 2006. Conservation of Northern Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin) in Southern New Jersey, USA: Comparison of Artificial Incubation with Natural Incubation. 2nd International Congress on Chelonian Conservation, Chelonii, 4: 64-69

Baker, P.J., J.P. Costanzo, R. Herlands, R.C. Wood, and R.E. Lee Jr. 2006. Inoculative freezing promotes winter survival in hatchling diamondback terrapin, Malaclemys terrapin. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:116-124.

Wood, R. 2003. Observations on the natural history of the side-necked turtle Pelusios broadlyi (Pleurodira; Pelomedusidae) in Lake Turkana, northern Kenya. Second International Congress on Chelonian Conservation, June 18-22, Saly, Senegal.

Wood, R. C. and L. S. Hales, Jr. 2002. Comparison of northern diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin) hatching success among variably oiled nesting sites along the Patuxent River following the Chalk Point Oil Spill of April 7, 2000. Final report submitted to Chalk Point Oil Spill Trustees (USFWS NRDA Trustee Report), 32 pgs.

Gaffney, E. S. and R. C. Wood. 2002. Bairdemys, a new side-necked turtle (Pelomedusoides: Podocnemididae) from the Miocene of the Caribbean. American Museum Novitates, nr. 3359: 28pp.

R. C. Wood. 1997. The impact of commercial crab traps on diamondback terrapins, Malaclemys terrapin . pp. 21-27. IN Van Abbema, J. (Ed.) Proceedings: Conservation, Restoration, and Management of Tortoises and Turtles - An International Conference. 494 pp.

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