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Poison Arrow Dart Frogs

Since 1995, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey has been working to establish a breeding program for poison dart frogs. Through the efforts of this school and other institutions such as the National Aquarium in Baltimore, steps are being made to ensure that these unique creatures can be saved. There has been a documented worldwide decline in amphibian populations that has been affecting even the most pristine environments. In part, this is due to the destruction of the frog's natural habitat, the rainforests of Central and South America which are being cut down and destroyed at a frightening pace. These frogs also face another danger though, the bright colors that provide protection in their natural habitat also make them a favorite with amphibian collectors. This puts the frogs at risk for illegal capture, which often results in many of the frogs dying during transportation. Hopefully, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, working with others can help to save these frogs and allow them to increase in number.