Jersey Shore Science Fair

Thank you for signing up to judge at this year's Jersey Shore Science Fair. The JSSF is one of fourteen regional fairs that feed into the Delaware Valley Science Fair where top projects have the potential to move onto the International level. For the past five years, the JSSF has held first place in the Delaware Valley Region for the quantity and quality of projects being judged (as determined by the number of winners at the DVSF). Your assistance in judging this event makes it successful.

  1. Please fill in the form carefully.
  2. Please verify your information before clicking the submit button.
  3. If you have any problems, please contact JSSF immediately.
*All fields required unless noted as optional
First Name:
Middle Initial:
Last Name:
Honorific: (optional)
- (+4 zip is optional)
Confirm Email:
Phone: (optional)
Affiliation: (This field will be used in the Judges' Listing alongside your name. If none please select "no affiliation".)
Was your affiliation found on the list?
Yes     No
If no, you may provide your affiliation here:
Judge Information
Projects are judged in 3 age divisions and 13 different categories (plus a "Team" category). The JSSF Staff will match judges to their general area of expertise as much as possible.
I have NOT judged at the Stockton Science Fair before

I have judged at the Stockton Science Fair before
Please select your preferred category to Judge:
Select additional categories you are willing to judge: (optional)
Behavior/Social Sciences
Computer Science
Consumer Science
Earth/Space Science
Environmental Science
Are you willing to judge Team Projects? (may involve any discipline)
Yes     No
Please select your preferred age level to Judge:
If you have any special preferences, please make a comment in the box below.

These comments are freeform up to 80 characters (try to keep it brief). Examples would be:
  • "6th grade teacher"
  • "parent of 10th grader"
  • "absolutely no physics"
These comments will be used to determine your judging assignments and tailor the assignment to your special needs. If you have no additional preferences, you may leave this field blank.

Please try to encourage qualified colleagues to apply to the JSSF Science Fair as judges. Feel free to give them the web address for the online Judges registration form.