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Stockton Psychology Program Alumni Directory

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1 Please provide your name, primary address, and email address here.
First Name:
Last Name:
Maiden Name (if different):
Zip/Postal Code:
Email Address:
2 If you have a personal or professional web-site, please feel free to enter it here.
3 In what year did you receive your Stockton PSYC Degree?
4 From the list below, please select the employment category which best fits your current position.
5 Please provide your current job title and employer.
6 Please list any additional degrees or credentials you received after Stockton (provide years and Institution in parenthesis).
First Degree/Credential and Year
Second Degree/Credential and Year
Third Degree/Credential and Year
7 Please feel free to briefly describe your activities: job, education, community, family, awards, etc.
8 Please select a username and password. This will be used to login if you wish to update your information in the future.
Confirm Password:
What is your mother's maiden name? (This information will be used to verify your identity in the future if you forget your login information.)
I understand that by clicking the submit button below I hereby consent to have the information I have provided listed on the Stockton College Psychology Program Web-Site.

I further agree to report any abuses of this mailing list to the Stockton psychology program or other Stockton representatives. We ask that users of this directory refrain from sending commercial messages, mass mailings, and other "junk e-mail" to the people listed. Compliance with this request will insure that this directory is free and open to the public. If there is evidence of abuse, the psychology program reserves the right to discontinue this directory and move to a password protected format.